on Thu, Apr 23, 2009 by Brandon Harris · 2 min reading time
My upgrade from Intrepid to Jaunty went smoothly. I run off of a Dell Studio 15 with an external monitor at work. Unfortunately, this creates a virtual screen size greater than 2048×2048 which is an issue with the intel graphics driver, not compiz, so I unfortunately cannot enjoy the bling. However, when I am remote, compiz works great. Metacity is great, but after being spoiled by the eye candy it is hard to go back.
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on Tue, Apr 14, 2009 by Brandon Harris · 1 min reading time
Git has it’s own work flow apart from other change management software. Branching is particularly easy, but slightly different than what one is used to. Typically, we create local branches in git to test out new ideas. Occasionally, these new ideas are good enough to share with other developers and suddenly we want a remote version of that remote branch.
We have already done this:
git checkout -b my_new_awesome_branch We want to do this:
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on Fri, Apr 10, 2009 by Brandon Harris · 2 min reading time
Now that e – text editor has been opened up, I am anxious to see it running on linux. It looks like there is some activity on github. I cloned it myself and will be tinkering with it.
A lot of people will say, “Who needs another editor? Use Vim or Emacs.” I personally prefer the cramped finger inducing keystrokes of Emacs, but I am always willing to play around in another editor.
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